Mumias East MP Peter Salasya arrested after alleged assault on MCA

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Police have arrested Mumias East MP Peter Salasya for allegedly assaulting Isongo-Malaha Ward Representative Peter Walunya during a funeral service in his ward on Friday.

Mr Walunya told police that he had taken the podium to welcome Mr Salasya to the burial of Jesmus Kodia in Maraba village, but the legislator turned on him and assaulted him after a disagreement over protocol.

 Mumias East Sub-County Police Commander Doris Chemos said they received reports of fracas at the burial ceremony and rushed to the scene to find that Mr Salasya had allegedly attacked an MCA.

 "We managed to rescue Mr Walunya who has recorded his statement with us. We restored calm at the funeral and later followed and arrested the MP. But he was released on a Sh50,000 police bond. He will appear in court on Tuesday," said Ms Chemos.

Mr Salasya's bodyguards have since been disarmed after they fired into the air during the fracas, forcing mourners to flee.

 Ms Chemos said Mr Salasya is likely to be charged with assault, causing actual bodily harm and creating a disturbance in a manner likely to lead to a breach of peace.

 A video that has gone viral on social media platforms shows the MP assaulting a man who was standing near him as he addressed mourners.

 After conveying his condolences to the bereaved family, Mr Salasya ordered the man to sit down.

But when the man failed to obey Mr Salasya's orders, the MP jumped over and slapped the man.

 Mr Salasya's security detail and aides intervened, overpowered the man and escorted him from the podium.

 This is not the first time Mr Salasya has been involved in a physical confrontation since his election as an MP on August 9, 2022.

 In May 2023, Salasya found himself in the eye of the storm during the funeral of former Kisa East MCA Stephen Maloba when he got into a physical altercation with some MCAs who blocked him from

He was rescued by a team of other lawmakers, including Emuhaya MP Omboko Milemba and Kakamega Woman Representative Elsie Muhanda.

On November 12, 2023, the MP was attacked by a group of youths after he criticised Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa during a church function in Bukaya, Mumias West.

The first-time MP is currently under investigation for allegedly threatening a magistrate after she ordered him to pay a Sh500,000 debt to businessman Robert Lutta.

 Kenyans on social media have criticised Mr Salasya over his growing trend of fighting fellow politicians and constituents alike.


 "Former Deputy Chief Justice Nancy Baraza was sacked for pinching someone's nose. Mr Salasya hit someone in public. Are our laws meant to protect certain people and punish others?" asked one identified as Danmetro.

 MCAs from Kakamega have condemned the attack on their colleague and called for maximum security for MCAs, claiming their lives are in danger.

 "You remember our colleague from Kisa East in Khwisero, Stephen Maloba, died after being stabbed by a goon linked to the area MP. We don't want another MCA to be murdered," said Butsotso South MCA Gildon Shiosio.

Mr Shiosio called on President William Ruto to intervene in the MCAs' pleas and provide them with security.

 "The death of Maloba is still fresh in our hearts. Now our colleague has been assaulted in broad daylight. We should not allow another MCA to be killed. Mr President, please help us," he pleaded.

 Observers have questioned Mr Salasya's actions as a public officeholder following his conduct in public events.

 Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale said: "Our leaders have gone mad. From one MP shooting a DJ to another shooting a man to others pitting rival thugs against each other, and now this! Kenyan voters need to do some serious introspection," said Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale.