Drama as rowdy youths attack, eject Mumias East MP Peter Salasya from church

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya.

Photo credit: Dennis Onsongo | Nation Media Group

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya was on Sunday attacked and ejected from a church function by rowdy youths said to be supporters of Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa during a Sunday service at Bukaya Catholic Church. 

Mr Salasya's bodyguards were forced to shoot in the air as they evacuated the legislator.

Chaos erupted after the MP blamed the Kakamega County government for failing to revive the collapsed Mumias Sugar Company before a man grabbed the microphone from the lawmaker.

Mr Salasya accused Mr Barasa of not doing enough to revive Mumias Sugar Company. 

Youths from both sides joined in and a fistfight ensued, with Mr Salasya's bodyguards firing in the air to disperse the crowd before the police restored calm.

The MP accused the government of having flawed systems that denied youth employment opportunities. He also accused Mr Barasa of associating with bad people who are blocking his constituents from accessing him.

"On Mumias Sugar Company, I want to tell you (governor) that you said that a new investor in Mumias should remit Sh100 million to the county. But I want to remind you that the factory is closed, where is the investor going to get the money immediately to start remitting," he said.

Leaders who attended the funds drive for the church's infrastructural development condemned the incident.

Mr Salasya took issue with the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority which he claimed was the cause of the inflated fuel prices in the country."

"Mr Barasa, we love you and we want you to perform better for this county so that you can be re-elected in 2027 but the people around you are blocking us from accessing you," he told the governor. 

He asked Mr Barasa to sit with all elected leaders to ensure that the wishes of the electorate are met.

Governor Barasa called on the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly to disarm security officers assigned to Mr Salasya, claiming they were a security threat.

“They had no business removing their firearms to shoot in the air," the governor said.

He claimed that one of the county government's drivers was stabbed in the melee and was rushed to hospital for treatment.

Mr Barasa also accused Kakamega County Woman Representative Elsie Muhanda of financing Mr Salasya and other people in the county to attack him and disrupt his development agenda."If you see a dog barking, look at the owner.

After Salasya caused a stir here, he left with his financier. This is not the right direction we are taking as leaders because it will derail development," he pointed out. Leaders, including National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula, condemned the incident, terming it a derailment of the desired unity of the people of Western region.

"We want to come together, walk together and speak with one voice as people of this region. This will earn us respect as we move towards the leadership of this country in 2032. If we continue to fight among ourselves, we won't get what we want," said Mr Wetang'ula.

Mr Johnson Naicca (Mumias West MP) condemned the youths for attempting to disrupt the church function.
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