Gachagua wants Mt Kenya ‘traitors’ to be named and shamed

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaks during the 61 Madaraka Day celebration in Bungoma on June 1, 2024.

Photo credit: PCS

What you need to know:

  • Mr Kiunjuri, The Service Party (TSP) leader has in the recent past differed with the Deputy President, considered the de factor kingpin in Mt Kenya region owing to him being the second in command in the country.
  • The Laikipia East MP has faulted the DP’s approach in forging political unity in Central Kenya, arguing that a united mountain must start with mutual respect among all.

The political tension in Mt Kenya has escalated as Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua called on the region to name and shame some local leaders being used by outside forces to scuttle his unity push in central Kenya.

Mr Gachagua who spoke in Nanyuki Town, Laikipia county on Saturday night said the few traitors were guns for hire, but noted that the community had always had such characters right from the time of the Mau Mau war of independence.

“The issue of sellouts within our community is not something new. There were individuals who collaborated with the colonial masters for some short-term personal benefits instead of sacrificing for the great good of the larger community,” he said.

Mr Gachagua reiterated his push for more allocation of resources through the one man-one vote- one-shilling formula and termed Mt Kenya leaders opposed this push as working on the behest of enemies bent on causing disunity.

“Whenever they visit the rural areas, let them explain their stand on the one-man-one vote –one shilling and if they support my bid to unite the mountain.

"Those who do not support and fail to accompany me whenever I am drumming support for unity should be earmarked for voting out when the time comes,” he said.

The DP who was accompanied by over a dozen MPs drawn from Nairobi, Kiambu, Nakuru, Murang’a, Nyeri, Laikipia and Meru counties said he would not abandon his agenda of uniting the mountain so that the region could increase in stakes on the political bargaining table.

Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri who recently differed with the DP on his approach in uniting the region was conspicuously absent during the evening musical extravaganza at Old House Restaurant. Governor Joshua Irungu, Senator John Kinyua, Women Rep Jane Kagiri, Laikipia West MP Wachira Karani and Mr Thuo Mathenge of the New Democrats Party were in attendance.

Mr Kiunjuri, The Service Party (TSP) leader has in the recent past differed with the Deputy President, considered the de facto kingpin in Mt Kenya region owing to him being the second in command in the country.

The Laikipia East MP has faulted the DP’s approach in forging political unity in Central Kenya, arguing that a united mountain must start with mutual respect among all.

“The DP is the real cause of his political woes, both in the regional and in national politics, owing “to the demeaning mien that demands all to submit to him like school children,” Mr Kiunjuri said during a recent interview at a vernacular radio station.

The TSP leader claimed that he had evidence on how the DP has been threatening and demeaning not less than 38 elected leaders in the region, chasing some away from functions and planting opposition against others on grounds of forcing them to submit to him.

During the Saturday Music extravaganza dubbed Ngogoyo and attended by renown Kikuyu musicians, Mr Gachagua heaped praise on former Laikipia Women Rep Cate Waruguru who has already declared her interest to contest for the gubernatorial seat in 2027, a seat Mr Kiunjuri is also considering.

“This youthful leader can never betray the community. I Request you to pray for her and give her support when that time comes,” the DP told nearly 1,000 revelers during the musical party.

Naivasha MP Jayne Kihara lashed at Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru over her recent claims that the call unity is a strategy to quit the Kenya Kwanza Government.

“We voted for this Government and there is no way we shall move out. bUt we shall continue pushing for a united mountain,” said Ms Kihara.