ODM to Ruto: Stop politicising war against drug abuse

Edwin Sifuna

Nairobi Senator and ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna. 

Photo credit: Billy Ogada | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • "To add insult to injury, barely 48 hours after the statement from State House, Muguka was forcefully driven to county markets, and unknown persons claiming to be agents of KRA raided Radio Rahma premises in Nyali, Mombasa claiming tax arrears," said ODM led by its Secretary General Edwin Sifuna. 

The Raila Odinga-led Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has condemned President William Ruto’s administration for what it termed as polarising and politicising the war against the drug menace at the Coast region by attempting to countermand the decision taken by the three Coast county governments.

This is after unknown persons allegedly from the Kenya Revenue Authority raided Governor Abdulswamad Nassir's business over tax arrears.

Mr Nassir said he is being targeted by the state after he banned muguka.

ODM led by its Secretary General Edwin Sifuna condemned the move saying the Head of State is polarising and politicising the war against the drug menace in Mombasa by attempting to countermand the decision taken by the three county governments.

"The President has pledged public funds to ensure youth have unrestricted access to Muguka essentially. Kenyans are aware that the Governor of Mombasa Abdullswamad Sharrif Nassir has been at the forefront of the campaign against drug abuse at the Coast, a region that has for a long time battled with the vice," said Mr Sifuna in a statement.

Gov Nassir claims he's being targeted over muguka ban after KRA officers storm his radio station

He said Governor Nassir has been courageous enough to follow the talk with action in making the bold move prohibiting the entry, transport, sale, and distribution of muguka within Mombasa County.

Others who have also banned the stimulant include Governor Gideon Mungaro (Kilifi) and Andrew Mwadime (Taita Taveta).

Mr Sifuna said Mr Nassir has severally called upon the National Government to match his efforts concerning other drugs that cross international borders to get into the country.

He noted the deafening silence of the champions of a sober country, keen on fighting alcohol abuse in their political backyards but quiet when Muguka ravages young people at the Coast.

"To add insult to injury, barely 48 hours after the statement from State House, Muguka was forcefully driven to county markets, and unknown persons claiming to be agents of KRA raided Radio Rahma premises in Nyali, Mombasa claiming tax arrears," he added.

Radio Rahma is associated with the Nassir family. Sources who did not want to be disclosed indicated that this was action based on orders from above in reaction to the economic losses that Muguka traders faced during Governor Nassir’s ban," said Mr Sifuna.

The ODM party further condemned the weaponisation of state agencies like KRA to harass and intimidate Governor Nassir and his colleagues who are only looking out for those they represent.

"The Party stands with the Governor in his efforts to rid Mombasa of the drug menace once and for all," he added.