I chose Gachagua over a youthful running mate – Ruto

President Dr William Ruto, his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua, and other Kenya Kwanza leaders at the Nakuru Boys High School, for the Akorino National Prayer Conference.

Photo credit: PCS

What you need to know:

  • "Myself and my deputy we are ready to mentor the young, ambitious leaders to be better than us.
  • Our main role is to mentor young leaders to become better leaders. For now, let us work together and respect one another," said President Ruto at the Akorino National Prayer Conference. 

President William Ruto on Sunday moved to quell tensions in the Kenya Kwanza outfit, which has threatened to consume the ruling coalition.

The ruling coalition has in the past weeks been rocked by concerns of a looming fallout between President Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua.

Amid the fireworks, Mr Gachagua has been on the receiving end with allies of President Ruto slaying him for 'promoting ethnic politics' while holding a national office.

Mr Gachagua has himself hit out at a section of leaders, whom he accused of sabotaging his efforts to unite the Mount Kenya region.

The simmering conflict worsened on Saturday when Kimilili lawmaker Didmus Barasa, one of President Ruto's allies, asked Mr Gachagua to resign if he felt uncomfortable working with his boss (Mr Ruto) and wait for 2027 to contest as a Governor in his Nyeri backyard.

Speaking at the Nakuru Boys High School, in Nakuru County, during the Akorino National Prayer Conference, President Ruto sought to quell the growing divisions in the ruling coalition, asking leaders to embrace unity and respect one another.

Despite the visible cracks in the ruling coalition and the United Democratic Alliance Party, President Ruto asked leaders to respect Mr Gachagua.

The president especially asked 'young and ambitious' leaders from Mount Kenya and his Rift Valley backyards, who have been training their guns on his deputy to embrace respect.

President Dr William Ruto and Deputy Rigathi Gachagua at the Nakuru Boys High School, for the Akorino National Prayers Conference.

Photo credit: PCS

"Sisi viongozi wote tafadhali tuheshimiane.Tulifika hapa kwa sababu ya maombi.(Let all leaders respect one another. We are this far because of prayers. Let us not be divided again," stated Mr Ruto.

"Myself and my deputy we are ready to mentor the young, ambitious leaders to be better than us. Our main role is to mentor the young leaders to become better leaders. For now, let us work together and respect one another," said the Head of State.

President Ruto revealed that when he was picking a running mate, a youthful leader from the Mount Kenya region had been proposed by a section of Kenya Kwanza leaders, to be his deputy, but he chose Gachagua, because he felt he was elderly and could help him serve Kenyans better.

The president asked leaders to shun tribal politics.

"I want to remind you that in 2013, I together with former President Uhuru Kenyatta came to Afraha stadium in Nakuru and that is where we ended tribal politics and ethnic balkanisation. I want to assure you that tribal politics will no longer be allowed in this country," stated the President.

"We are blessed with a peaceful country. We are a God-fearing Nation and therefore l am requesting all leaders to unite Kenyans and work together to develop this country," he said.

Earlier Mr Gachagua who spoke at the function, defended his quest to unite Mt Kenya behind the One Man, One Vote, One Shilling campaign; claiming that it is a bottom-up approach to national unity.

"Let people not create narratives that do not exist. My quest to unite the Mount Kenya region is a bottom-up approach to national unity. Unity must begin from the village upwards," said Mr Gachagua.

"I am a man who loves and adores unity. Any disunity in a small region will affect the unity of Kenya as a country. I am a peacemaker and that is what l am doing and will continue to do," added Gachagua.

He further said; "I am very clear in my mind that my work is to help President William Ruto succeed in managing the affairs of this country."

Governors Irungu Kangata(Murang'a) and Muthomi Njuki (Tharaka Nithi) while addressing the congregation called for a review of the two proposed revenue formulae—the One Man, One Vote, One Shilling and the One man, One kilometer.

"My view is that we combine both and form one God, One aim, One destiny. Let us combine them and ensure we have a prosperous country," said Governor Kangata.

His Tharaka Nithi counterpart said the two revenue-sharing formulae can be taken to parliament for MPs to come up with a formula that benefits all regions and all Kenyans.

Earlier, Mr Muthomi also asked the president to ban his deputy to sort out their 'issues' and end the fights in the ruling coalition.

"Mr President, we all know that there are some issues. Please sort the issues between you and your deputy, for the country's prosperity. Hatutaki kuacha serikali  ambayo tuliipigania na kurudi msituni.(We do not want to leave the government that we fought for and go back to the trenches," he said.

Calls for unity dominated the service with leaders asking the Akorino community to pray for the president and his deputy not to part ways.

"Mr President my prayer is that you and your deputy sort out any issues between you, because we as leaders, we are united behind you. We want the bond between the two of you, to continue to hold for the prosperity of this country," said Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika.

The conference brought together Akorino believers from across the country.

President Ruto also launched the Akorino Savings and Credit Cooperative Nakuru Chapter. He donated Sh10 million to members of the Sacco.