Coast governors say no to Linturi muguka talks invitation

Kilifi governor

Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro and Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani economic bloc chairman led six coastal governors in demanding a sitting with the President on the muguka ban. 

Photo credit: File| Nation

Coast Governors have turned down an invitation to meet Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi on Thursday June 6 citing bias.

The six Governors who include Abdulswamad Nassie (Mombasa), Mung’aro (Kilifi), Fatuma Achani (Kwale), Dhado Godhana (Tana River), Issa Timmamy (Lamu) Andrew Mwadime (Taita Taveta) said they had held various consultations with the public and leaders in their counties and they resolved that Agriculture and Livestock Development CS Mithika Linturi is constrained in being an impartial arbiter on muguka ban.

The leaders led by their Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani economic bloc chairman, Mr Gideon Mung’aro demanded a sitting with the President instead. 

In a joint letter to the Cabinet Secretary, the Governors of Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi and Taita Taveta remained firm in their stance against Muguka.

"We make reference to your letter ref. no. MOALD/Cs/CRO/4 (16) and dated May 31, 2024, on the above subject. We regret to inform you that the six-member County Governments of Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani Economic Bloc duly represented by the undersigned Governors, jointly decline to attend the proposed forum scheduled for June 6, 2024," said the bloc.

This is because Mr Linturi publicly pronounced himself on the Constitutional and legal positions taken by Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita County Governors to ban Muguka (Gazette Notice 6482 of Executive Order NO.1 of 2024). According to your statements dated May 29, 2024, on the Ministry's position," said the governors.

They said that the ban on muguka in the Jumuiya ya Kaunti region has ignited a national public debate and pronouncements by the Executive, Judiciary, legislative and the entire 47 County Governments, is a matter of extraordinary public interest.

"Considering that the Head of State has held meetings with the Muguka producing County Governments, Central Kenya leadership and issued directions on May 29, 2024; and whereas various Cabinet Secretaries and senior National Government officers have made conflicting statements as to the position of the Executive; therefore, Jumuiya ya Kaunti concludes and requests, that further consultations on this matter be led by the Head of State," he added.

The Coast Governors said it would be prudent to include other key stakeholders on the matter such like the National Authority for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse, the Ministry of Health, various Security agencies as well as the Civil Society, since the matter is not just Agriculture in nature.