West Pokot mothers embrace exclusive breastfeeding

Breast milk

Breast milk has a natural balance of all the nutrients a child needs to grow healthy and strong.

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What you need to know:

  • West Pokot is among counties with the highest malnutrition rate according to the Kenya Demographic Health Survey, 2022.
  • The devolved unit has also been identified as one of the counties having the highest levels of stunting.

Seven out of 10 mothers in West Pokot County have embraced exclusive breastfeeding from the initial three out of 10,  according to a recent report by the Ministry of Health.

“The first milk, colostrum, contains antibodies which strengthen the immune system of a newborn. We advocate for exclusive breastfeeding at least in the first six months of a child’s life. 

Thereafter, the mother can invest in other nutritional supplements,” said West Pokot Nutrition Coordinator Leah Chelobay.

She noted that in the last few years, they have been rallying mothers to join support groups and initiatives that help improve maternal health and wellness of children below two years.

“Community health workers and volunteers help in spreading the word,” said Ms Chelobay.

 At Kapenguria County Referral Hospital, Ms Chelobay said the county has developed baby-friendly lactating centres for working mothers.

There, mothers are taught about hand expression “while we also encourage the use of breast pumps for those who can afford them”.

However, the county coordinator lamented that the perennial food insecurity faced in the region makes it difficult for mothers to offer their children a balanced diet.

“Most households don’t have healthy meals due to prolonged drought and crop failure,” she said.

West Pokot is one of the two counties with the highest malnutrition rate, with the highest stunting rate of 35.1 per cent and a wasting rate of 11.0 per cent, according 2022 Kenya Demographic Health Survey.

West Pokot Governor Simon Kachapin called for more stringent measures that will encourage more women to adopt exclusive breastfeeding for six months and reduce malnutrition cases in the county.

“The source of livelihood for residents here is pastoralism and many breast-feeding children suffer during movements in search of pasture. Due to scarcity of food, some mothers produce very low supply of breast milk while others produce none,” he said.

According to the governor, more irrigation projects should be set up in the county to enable residents to engage in agricultural activities for food production.

West Pokot is among counties with the highest malnutrition rate according to the Kenya Demographic Health Survey, 2022.

The devolved unit has also been identified as one of the counties having the highest levels of stunting.

The Ministry of Health data shows the Kilifi, West Pokot and Samburu counties have a stunting prevalence of 37 per cent, 34 per cent and 31 per cent respectively.

This has been attributed largely to the ongoing drought in most parts of the country that has seen most households affected by food insecurity.